Women’s Initiatives For Safer Environments - Initiatives des Femmes pour la Sécurité Environnementale

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2024 AGM

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Join us for our 2024 Annual General Meeting held Monday, April 22nd at 6:00 PM. 

June 2022

May 2022

March 2022

March 2022

Over the past two years, we’ve seen a slew of worrying headlines on how the COVID-19 pandemic has ‘exposed gaping problems with…’, ‘highlighted longstanding issues in…’ or ‘brought to light the longstanding problem of…’. One headline that particularly struck me is how Canadian health-care workers are facing increasing harassment and violence on the job, especially related to COVID-19.

By Sarah Scott, Director

February 2022

Let’s face it –no matter who you are or what you do, we are all having a tough time right now. The pandemic has been raging on for far longer than we ever expected, and “normal” life before March 13, 2020, seems like a fleeting memory…

By: Anonymous 

December 2021

I’ve been involved in helping to organize activities to educate the public on violence against women for over 20 years.  These events include: International Women’s Day Celebrations, ClothesLine Event, Take Back the Night Marche and Vigils for the December 6 National Day of Remembrance and Action to End Violence Against Women.  While each event has their own specific focus, it’s the Vigil that hits hardest each year.

By Alana Couvrette, WISE Board Director

July 2020

By Christine Johnson, Director 

May 2020

Thinking about personal safety may not be something that is top of mind for everyone when applying for a new job but it is important to consider for job seekers. 

Late last year, the media warned the public of human traffickers using “job postings” as a way to meet potential victims. As someone who works with youth and frequently supports them when looking for employment, I felt it was necessary to not only warn those who I work with directly of these dangers but also my greater community.

By: Kristy-Lu, WISE Director

February 2020

By: Nasreen Rajani, WISE Communications Chair

December 2019

By: Kewei Xiao, WISE Board Member

August 2019

Intimate partner violence exists in every country and community. However, education programs and prevention strategies for violence against women (VAW) can vary. Some countries, like Canada, place emphasis on this pervasive issue while others tolerate or ignore the problem. Culture has a great impact on how women are perceived and respected. 

The ByWard Market has many attractions for all ages both during the day and at night. During the day, you’ll see the busy hustle and bustle of a vibrant market with many independent stores and restaurants, and tourists exploring our beautiful city. When the sun goes down, the nightlife comes alive and often, you’ll be able to see buskers performing during the summer or some interesting night life. The general sense of comfort however seems to fall as the night progresses largely due to the recent increase in violent crimes in the area. We should not live in fear or feel uncomfortable going out with our friends but we should always remain vigilant.